Wednesday, January 5, 2022

Books read in 2021

Time for my annual book roundup. 

I read 41 books last year, a new personal record! After resisting for years, I finally got into a few audiobooks, which I listen to primarily while doing my school carpool route.

My favorite fiction book of the year was Circe. Every stage of her life was a surprise or a delight or both, and I was truly sad when it ended. I don't re-read a lot of books--my to be read pile is just too long for that--but I will probably revisit Circe. 

My favorite non-fiction was All the Rage: Mothers, Fathers, and the Myth of Equal Partnership. If you feel like you have an unequal partnership, you should read it for the solidarity and for some ideas that might help. If you think you have an equal partnership, you might still be surprised. Regardless, you will probably be enraged at the ways men have come up with to avoid care work and house work.

A close second in non-fiction was You'll Never Believe What Happened to Lacey: Crazy Stories About Racism. I guess I'm really drawn to books that make me hate humanity a little bit.

Best romance (rom-com? chick lit?)  I've ever read: Evvie Drake Starts Over. It has characters, relationships, and dialogue that feel more realistic that the genre usually delivers.

This was a heavy duty Harry Potter year. My eight year old and I burned through books five, six and seven (not to mention watching all the movies and taking a family visit to HP world in Florida). We agree that book seven is amazing, packed with action and adventure, tragedy and emotion, and a satisfying triumph for the good guys.

My goal for the new year is 48 books. 48! It's ambitious. Probably by December I'll be reading a stack of graphic novels to catch up.